Denver Life Magazine: The Lifestyle We Live and Love

Denver Life Magazine: The Lifestyle We Live and Love

“If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past year, it’s to appreciate the place we live—because, well, we’ve all been spending a lot of time here. We found ourselves rediscovering what we love about the institutions, venues, businesses, restaurants, parks, and people that make up our (suddenly smaller) world… It’s the museums that capture our minds, the performances that rock our souls, and the hard-fought ballgames that lift our spirits. It’s the learning that engages us, the food that entices us, and the fresh air that fills us with ease and joy. Drawing on the resources in our own communities and exploring the richness of what’s right next door has never been more important. Here, we bring you the top reasons to love where we live.”

Top Dining – Flagstaff House

“Tradition and excellence are the backbone of this family-owned Boulder classic, situated at 6,000 feet on Flagstaff Mountain; patrons have been dining at the landmark restaurant since 1954. Enjoying the rich flavors of pheasant roulade and Cervena venison loin from a terrace surrounded by breathtaking views is practically a rite of passage.”

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Welcome to The Flagstaff House

Since 1971, Flagstaff House has provided an unparalleled dining experience overlooking Boulder, Colorado. Natural beauty and culinary delight combine at Flagstaff House with expertly crafted hyper-seasonal menus, and globally-renowned wine and beverage programs, providing magical

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currently CLOSEd

We are closed from January 1-8 for our annual. break and will reopen for dinner service on January 9. We look forward to welcoming you to The Flagstaff House in 2025!